JIRA integrates Smart Attachments for GoEdit

by | January 10, 2017

JIRA integrates Smart Attachments for GoEdit

GoEdit from now on integrates with Smart Attachments, an attachment management tool developed by StiltSoft – making the handling of attachments even faster and clearer.


Key features of Smart Attachments

  • Revisions
    Enables the use of attachment revisions within JIRA
  • Categories
    Categories allow a clear and easy management of attachments
  • Bulk operations
    Fast bulk actions to perform routine operations
  • Workflow automations
    Built in option to run operations/validations automatically

JIRA integrates Smart Attachments for GoEdit

In this screenshot you can see how to easily access GoEdit within Smart Attachments.

Benefits for your company

The vast amount of attachments available on companies management systems often leads to a confusing surface, slowing work progression. Smart Attachments helps to clean up the clutter of attachments, in a way that the company benefits greatly from it, e.g. by ordering attachments in an easy to find manner, regardless of how many attachments there are – this saves time by either creating a employee-friendly environment as well as lowering the average seek time needed to find a specific attachment.